乐载兵:HR如何用数据和老板、各业务部门对话 -
2016-01-20 4240

《HR如何用数据和老板、各业务部门对话 -大数据时代HR的必修课》(2014年度大数据课程之HR篇)
HR, Use Powerful Data Analysis as Your Working Language

Had ever serviced in world famous overseas-invested enterprise, Asia Pacific HRD/CHO/CFO will share experienced and valuable analysis ideas and template

Please take computer to conference hall, as analysis model summarized by valuable experienced work will be shared through operational demonstration on site, and can easily be transferred by U disk. Moreover, work performance will be promoted after training asap.


1. 想做一个企业的Business Partner?跟更高层老板交流时,必须用数据说话!哪怕HR判断力再准,没有数据支撑,不懂数据分析,也永远只能是二流HR!!
2. 跟高层沟通时,你是否知道更高管理层真正想看什么?你是否心有余而力不足?你是否可以很好地呈现出来你要表达的意思?
3. 离职面谈,不能胜任工作的员工,必须用数据说话才能以理服人?
4. 业务部门和HR部门是否发生过冲突?究其原因出在哪里?
5. 怎样保证人员规划的合理性,尤其是管理、技术人员、生产人员?
6. 你如何判断业务人员的风格、类型,以便于业务部门经理参考?
7. 如何有效进行离职分析,从而控制公司员工流失率;能否提供一个薪资预算模型,能快速调整薪资预算;在每年薪资调整前,怎样利用EXCEL对薪酬体系表做分析调整?
8. 如何进行绩效管理的有效性分析?制定人力资源战略时,对人力规划需求分析的方法?
9. 高管是销售业务出身,他们没有耐心看详细的数据(除销售数据),利用经验判断,直奔结果,HR的一些数据没有震振力,如离职率,绩效考核没有激励性,员工激情降低,潜在离职率高。
10. 企业内部薪资结构及水平的公平性、公正性的困惑;如何在服务密集型企业,提高员工的积极性;招聘难,不仅是基层员工招人难,更是中级管理人员也难受?
11. 在不使用软件的情况下,如何通过EXCEL将培训信息完整地表达出来,包括人均培训小时、总课时、人数、受训课程各部门费用、地点等等
12. 如何运用好市场薪酬劳动力价格数据,企业中的劳动力价格与市场中同行业水平一定是不一致,对某些岗位HR部门与实际用人部门的建议始终无法达成一致(例:如财务部要求XX岗位加薪,但HR部门认为提薪没有依据)。HR部门应该怎么办?
13. 定员定编:对于老企业来讲,原已有部门定员编制,但对于现有业务已不适应,HR部门应该怎么办?总经理室该如何授权?
14. 多维度人力成本如何计算?多维度人力投资回报率如何看?离职成本如何计算?

Engaged in the human resources management, do you have following confusion with trainees?

1. Want to be a company‘s business partner? When communicating with the higher boss, you must use data to talk! Even though the HR has a good judgment, without data support, not knowing about data analysis, he will always be the second-class HR!!

2. When communicating with the senior, do you know what they really want to see? Whether is it beyond your grasp? Whether can you well express what you are trying to say?

3. Exit interview, employee who can’t be competent for his job, he can be persuaded through reasoning only if the HR use data to talk?

4. Whether there was a conflict between business department and HR department? Where was the reason?

5. How to ensure the reasonableness of personnel planning, especially the managers, technical staff and production staff?

6. How to judge the style and type of business staff for business department manager referencing?

7. How to effectively do the leaving analysis to control the employee turnover rate; whether a salary budget model can be provided to rapidly adjust the salary budget; before every year salary adjusting, how to conduct the analysis and adjustment of remuneration system using EXCEL?

8. How to conduct the effective analysis of performance management? When making human resources strategy, what is the method of human resources planning demand analysis?

9. The executives were salesmen, they don’t have the patience to read the specific data (except the sales data), judge according to the experience, straight to the results, HR’s some data has no power, such as turnover rate, performance assessment has no motivation, employees’ passion reduced, high potential turnover rate.

10. The confusions of the fairness and impartiality of salary structure and level in company; how to improve the employee motivation in service –intensive company; Difficult to recruit, not only the grass-roots employees are difficult to recruit, but also the middle managers are puzzled?

11. Under the circumstances not using software, how to completely express the training information through EXCEL, including training hours per person, total hours, number of people, courses, fee and place of every department, etc.

12. How to well use the market remuneration and labor price data, the labor price in company must be different with the same industry in market, to some positions the advices are always failed to reach an agreement between HR department and employ department (e.g. finance department requires a raise of salary for XX position, but HR department thinks there is no basis for raising). What should HR department do?

13. Fix the number of people employed:To the old company, fix the number of people employed in the original existing department, but to the current business, it is no longer suitable. What should HR department do? How should the general manager’s office authorize?

14. How to calculate the multi-dimensional human costs? How to see the multi-dimensional human resources ROI? How to calculate the turnover costs?

…. Involving all aspects of HR work…

The lecture has been the HRO in Asia-Pacific and GM, he is not only proficient in HR, but also in company overall operation. We believe this training must be able to bring you great help!

Target Audience

让您掌握一门数据语言,一切用数据说话,真正成为Business Partner

Applied in all field HR management
Let you grasp a data language, use data to talk, truly become the Business Partner. Help you know about the truth hidden behind the various data, teach you the analysis idea, help you solve the company’s problems essentially.
Rapidly analyze whether the company management structure and salary structure are balance,
Make the salary table conveniently, and do all kinds of remuneration statistical analyses in several minutes;
Build a dynamic remuneration adjustment plan, and find the optional range.
Through the more latitude data analysis of leaving staff, prevent the possibility of losing employees in advance. 
By driving factor table, intuitively build the quantitative KPI index system that the goals of departments and positions are consistent
Know the sales behavior patterns of management staff and business staff, which are pioneering sales staff and which are conservative sales staff. You can a well-founded recommendation to dispatch appropriate personnel when the company's business transformation and developing new market. Know who are the key business staff and the potential staff, be able to give them more attentions and conduct the personnel collocation purposely.
By the optimal solution tool, let computer tell you the most appropriate results of overtime and shift.

Course Outline



Part I:

The application of HR data analysis in human resources structure analysis
The more latitude analysis of company employees structure
The leaving employees analysis and the prediction of career cycle
3D graphic display of employees structure



Part II

The application of HR data analysis in salary budget and remuneration management
The method of rapidly describing salary structure
The model formulation of annual salary budget plan
The formulation of salary table (automatically calculate tax and social security)
The plan model of automatically scheduling the shift



Part III

The application of HR data analysis in the design of performance system and performance management
The employee working capacity matching analysis
The establishment of performance driving factors dynamic model
Performance distribution matrix



Part IV

The application of HR data analysis in business staff management
Three analysis steps of business staff performance tracking
The behavior analysis and performance modeling of sales staff
The behavior analysis and performance modeling of purchasing staff
The performance, bonus and staff matching model



Part V:

Learn to improve the working efficiency and quality by using data analysis and EXCEL, learn how to make a beautiful show
Unimaginable function of right clicking (basis of the basis)
The production and protection of friendly interface table
The effective arrangement of data (parse, common functions)
The application of PivotTable in massive data analysis
The application of graphic display and online analysis
The use of predicting and planning tool

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